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The Heart Of It All: The ❤️hio 

Ministry Coalition To End Human Trafficking 

We are a community of ministry leaders in NorthEast Ohio, banding together to bring great change to our communities and set the captives free. 

  • We Commit: To hyper vigilance. We learn, share, teach, and see. We are brave, we i.d., and speak up and out aganinst Human trafficking.  

  • We Contribute: Time and resources to setting captives free 

  • We Connect: We are a network of strong community leaders, creating awareness, upholding accountability, and being activists and training other activists to end trafficking in our communities. 

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Our Founder & Director:

Hello. I am Rachel, a SurThriver of Human Trafficking, I was sold into a captive marriage at age 19. For 15 years I was abused and trafficked in domestic servitude. I gained my freedom in 2017, and I have worked diligently for the last several years to heal, grow, learn, and share the journey to freedom and wholeness. It is my mission and purpose to persevere in the fight to end Human Trafficking. I initiated The Heart of It All, to join like minded ministry leaders together because through discipleship, we are the answer. I am committed to shining our light to freedom, leading the way on this journey, and walking through it side by side.

We are the heart of it all. 

Though partnership with national, state, and local community leadership, we excel in creating effective legislation, policies, services that directly impacts trafficking and support survivors. 

Interested in joining us schedule an engagement meeting below

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Pictured:Ohio Senator Teresa Fedor with Director Rachel Socorro

Blazing the trail bright in our fight to end human trafficking. #VoteWithAPurpose2022

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Through ongoing outreach, direct services, community education, and awareness activities, we continue to unite, inspire, and engage those around us and connected to us...

"to be the change we need to see." 

Looking for a engaging way to raise awareness in your community, visit #RedSandProject on IG

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