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Ask and Listen: The Confidence of Identity

There is just something so assuring about knowing. In our last activity we sat and listened and listed who God said we were. I remember when I first did this with God. I still have the list. As I reread it for the first couple months it was like a foreign language to me. I would flip to it in my journal, re read it, laugh a lil (Call me Sarah, at the time,) and it would always end the same, me telling God, "you got the wrong girl." Surely I could not be... "wife, mother, minister, beloved, a priest, a queen, intercessor, ect... pretty heavy stuff huh, especially to the frightened, traumatized, lost little girl inside of me who at times could barely breathe under the weight of life, at the time and didn’t know how I would get to the end of the week. Everything God was speaking to me about my identity, at the time was almost impossible to believe. Yet, something stirred in me when I heard the words repeated to me. It led me on a continuous pursuit to see what he said about me. Now here I s

it in the truth of it. Three years later walking in bold confidence of the journey that led me from what was said.. to what is , and to come. It's a never ending journey. Our lives are a continuous discovery of all we were created to be. With God there is always more. More to us, more to him. Because, ultimately our identity is Jesus in us and through us. That's what I want to invite you to join in on. Finding your identity in Jesus.Since we've had the opportunity to sit and list all you hear our Father speak

over you, ( I hope you have. If not, return to the previous post, and take time to listen and list all you hear and feel. Trust the voice you hear speaking loving things. That's God. (Ephesians2:10 ) I want to invite you to step two. Believing. My favorite person in the whole world and Bruce Lee said, “it is not enough to know, you must apply.” God told me these things for two years. It didn't totally affect my life, until I stopped running from the words, embraced them as truth, and began the pursuit of what it looked like and how I lived walking in them. I always share this story. After 15 years, once I got free from captivity, ( if you haven't heard my testimony you can find it on Youtube starting 9/20/2022) I had sworn off marriage, more children, and I intended to run my businesses, enjoy being rich, set the world record for champagne consumption, travel, and see this particular gentleman, when I felt like it. WOW did God have other plans. And I am so glad. So the first three words I embraced was being a minister, a wife, and a mother, growing my family. So I asked him. What kind of minister am I? How do I prepare to be this wife? How many children will I have? And what do I need to do with my body to prepare to carry and birth healthy whole children. The point is, intentionality changed everything. It made everything better. It has enhanced my life in all areas.

A great motivational speaker and Dave Ramsey says, “if you aim at nothing you'll hit every time.” If I was going to be all God said I was, then it was time I started getting really intentional about the specifics. HOWEVER, none of this was possible until I fully believed. Mark 11:24 states; "This is the reason I urge you to BOLDLY BELIEVE whatever you have asked for in CONVINCED that you have received it and it will be yours. TPT. Wait, ok pause: don't miss the disclaimer, See Jesus says whatever we asked from prayer. He never meant we can ask for anything, and he will do it. Jesus is not the Genie. When we are in prayer, we receive from God our desires. our identity, and strategy. We believe and we receive. The problem I’ve found is that we spend all the time talking and telling in prayer instead of asking and listening. That is how it works.

God never gave me a lifetime supply of champagne, that tall, dark, mysterious, gentleman left when my money did, and he took those businesses, THANK YOU LORD! However he did give me specific instructions to begin to walk and thrive in my God given identity. It’s more than I could have asked for … thought, or imagined. And nothing worked or changed, until I believed who he says I am. John 1:13 says we are not here by chance, God has a plan. The problem is we usually have a plan too. Well if Veronica calls me and makes plans and Melissa calls me to make plans, I can't do both, some one’s plans are getting canceled. Trust me when I say, cancel your plan. God made you, he loves you and knows how best you are purposed in this world. He made you, to love you. That is your primary identity, to be loved. He planned a purpose for you. When you partner with him, he gives you all you need to walk in that identity, beautifully. Nothing else matters once he has spoken, and you agree. You must only listen and believe.

~ Journal Point: Ask and Listen: God how do I become who you say I am?

~ Scriptures: Ephesian 2:10 & John 1:13


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